Monday, May 30, 2011

Stinking FIFA

Photograph by AP of $40000 paid by Bin Hammam to the Bahamas FA. Written on the envelope is "Bahamas".

FIFAs reputation has never been so damaged. Following the shock decision to award the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, there has been a massive backlash in the English press and public. Investigations into the activities of FIFA representatives and delegates attempting to persuade countries into voting for them on particular subjects, have never been so active. It now emerges that Mohammed Bin Hammam invited members of the Carribean Football Union to a plush hotel in Trinidad. Following a conference which espoused the virtues of the Qatari 2022 World Cup bid, officials were asked to go upstairs where they each received bundles of $40,000. Bin Hammam had been running against Sepp Blatter in the upcoming election for FIFA Presidency but on Sunday he pulled out, perhaps in anticipation of the exposure. All of this means, Blatter, thirteen years in office, will run for another four years unchallenged.

A surprise press conference was called today by FIFA moments after its own investigation cleared Sepp Blatter of any wrongdoing. When asked what was his reaction to Jack Warners comments that Blatter “should be stopped,” he replied, “what do you mean stopped? No, no reaction.” When asked if FIFA was in crisis he replied “Crisis? What is a crisis? Football is not in a crisis...”. He pointed to the Champions League Final as a sign of the games health even though the beautiful football on display that night had absolutely nothing to do with Blatter and alleged corruption. He responded to several journalists with contempt, as if they were out of place for asking genuine questions. He was asked how he could let all this corruption happen on his watch. He responded by looking at his Rolex.

He was asked if the election should be postponed, if he believed the Qatari bid was clean and whether now is the time to clean up the act. Each question made him visibly more irritated. By the end of the interview he was being berated by journalists for his conduct. The press conference was abruptly ended and Blatter was asking the press for more respect. He said he would not discuss issues with people who like to create problems. As a long standing investigator into FIFA corruption, who had been chuckling for the entire time, began to bellow out laughing, Blatter had already exploded. “Yes, you can laugh,” Blatter said to him, “that is an attitude, like elegance is an attitude, or respect is an attitude,” implying neither of the latter two were present among the press group. “One thing I learned when I was a journalist, was respect and when the person says press conference over, I would say thank you.” The incumbent then turned and walked quickly out of the conference.

Unfortunately, Sepp Blatter will be re-elected FIFA President on Wednesday as he is unchallenged and he will run the beautiful games governing body for four more years. It will only be damaging to have him remain at the helm as it will delay the overhaul required in FIFA.

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